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Friday, 30 September 2011

..first time holding a hoe...

...the hoe...

clay ( hard ground).hihi

the fertilizers

Hi is my best moment..hihi you know why?..because today I learned the right way how to use a hoe...In my life, I am never use a hoe...hihi...but in a horticulture class, I need to use it for my plant....
For this semester, our lecturer plan to planting the 'MARKISA' fruits...I hope our plants   to grow healthy ...the fertilizers that we used is of goat droppings..
Now I know it is hard to be a farmer..because we need a lot of energy and work under the sun...
So thanks  a lot to the farmers because of your contribution, we can eat rice and vegetables...
enough for today..I have any assignment need to be done because tomorrow I want   go back to the village..okay..good night...bye..

-eve's route-

Thursday, 29 September 2011

..niGht clAss.....

hi I would like to talk about my night I have material science class at 8pm till 10pm at multimedia laboratory....actually I and my housemate very lazy to come night know why?..because 
it too dangerous for girls like we..hihi..beside that, our concentration for study are weak..because during this day..we have full not enough time to rest....and then, it difficult to get the bus at night.....
we have almost 10 weeks to finish our night classes..hihi

enough for today...good night...

-eve's route-

....FirSt dAy on CAD labOratOrY.....

Hi I want to share about my first day on CAD laboratory class..hihi...after almost 6 years not drawing using Autocad I meet it again...
The different this time is I using Autocad 2010 software...It software more user friendly compare the  Autocad software that I used in Polytechnic 6 years ago ...
I hope this semester I can score my grade pointer for this subject..I want to be a best student for this semester..InsyaAllah..hihi  

enough for today..okay ..bye....

-eve's route-

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

......50 questions of physics....

Hi again... today I would like to share about my work that need to be done...I have 50 questions of physic need to submit by tomorrow...can you all imagine ,how I need rushed  to finish my homework ...hihi..I do the calculation starting from 11.30pm because before this I have choir 2:00 am I stopped doing that because I was sleepy..I hope my answers is correct..hihi...

okay..enough for this story...let's continue again tomorrow...bye..

-eve's route-

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

...No ClaSs...

Hi is Monday...  in my timetable today is free day because I not have any class for this I can done my work that I was delayed last week..hihi...

Firstly,when I wake up..I clean up my bedroom...when my room is tidy, I felt calm to relax my mind...hihi..after that.. I was prepared my breakfast is simple just a cup of milk and 'Gardenia Bread'.....
After that, I'm washing my clothes...almost 2 days, I did not wash cloths..hihi...then, I went to bath for prepared my lunch..

After lunch...I do my assignments... 
okay..enough for today...thanks because your spend your time to read my you..bye...
-eve's route-

Monday, 26 September 2011

....SinGeL is BetTer....

Hi are you today? I would like to talk about a nice topic..hihi.."SINGLE IS BETTER"...
in my opinion....single is better because we can feel know why?..because nobody can't control my personal I can do what I want to do without any permission from anybody....It I'm a right?..hihi..when I became a single woman...I can save my money and my time because I do not need to top up my credit phone, I also have many time to spend with my assignment ...and also I can focus to my study with better..

just enough for today..I have a assignment need to do.. okay..see again..bye....

-eve's route-

Sunday, 25 September 2011

....miSS mY FaMiLy....

Hi I will talk about I'm really miss my family.....when I saw my housemate meet their family... automatically, I feels very jealous you know...hihi ...

Actually, I back to my village in Ipoh this week..but I have any work need to I'm postpone its to next I hope next week I can back to Ipoh to meet my family...

I miss my mother cooking,I'm also miss my cute nephew, Arif..hihi..I hope I can be patient to meet them...

enough for today...bye...see again

 -eve's route-

Saturday, 24 September 2011

...HoMe AloNe......

Today is a bored day because I stay alone at my house(hostel) in know why?????
     The reason is :

     1) my roommate, Ainun go to KL to meet her future husband...hihi...
     2) my housemate,Liza go to Ipoh to meet her sister that a long time not see.
     3) my housemate, Nor go to KL also to meet her parent that came from 
     4) my housemate, Aizah go to KL also to meet her fiancee..hihi..
     5) and the last one,Zira(our junior sem 1) have at neighbor house..

so tonight  I don't have any work need to do..just only space my time for Facebook...I hope internet line will speed smoothly I'm not feel boring because 'HOME ALONE'..hihi..

just enough for today..I hope my friends will enjoy with their beloved..

-eve's route- 

Friday, 23 September 2011

.............miSS mY sTudEnTs.....

hi are you today? I hope all I  really miss my know why??? because about one month, I do not see them...I hope they miss me too...

I think you are strange when I say like that right??hihi..Actually, during the last  semester break, I have worked  as a temporarily teacher at  Sekolah Rendah  Islam Pintar in Ipoh,Perak....
Almost 4 months I was teach there...I got many valuable experiences at is sweet memory for me....

I learned how to be a good teacher..The school headmaster teach me how to handle students in the class....
I will not forget all memories with them..I hope they also not forget me..I always pray that my students will succeed in their lives and in what ever their do...;-)

-eve's route-

Thursday, 22 September 2011

.......IDEA & IDEA.....

Hi are you? I would like to share about a 'IDEA'.it so difficult to find the great I'm a right???
Actually today my group members, liza,nor,pija,tasnim and I discuss about the proposal mini project for robotic technology difficult to get the best decision because all group member give many idea that interesting for our we are proud because we can give any idea to share and discuss together..
finally, we get a decision that we want to make "The Simply Stair Robot"....its name..very nice right?..hihi..

enough for today..I hope everything is OK and our project can proceed very well....good night..bye!!!

-eve's route-

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

..........MeeT the "FORMER PRIME MINISTER"...

hi is my great know why?...I can't believe that I can see the former prime minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad live in front of my eyes...
I also can't believe that I can handshake with proud because I'm in one of million people of this country that get handshake with Tun Dr Mahathir  Mohamad..
He was a leader who is friendly and very impressive..He also is an icon of my leadership...I hope one day I can meet him again and talk personally..hihi

-eve's route-

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

RobotiC teChNologY Class....

hi I have only robotic technology I want to share about mathematics calculation..hihi...The last time I counted is last semester in automation technology you all can imagine how long I had not used calculator?..hihi...In this class there is a lot of mathematics formula that I do not remember...

Next time, before attending this class, I should had more preparation  mentally and I can give more attention in lecture...

Thats all for today..thanks for your attention..good night

-eve's route-

Monday, 19 September 2011

RoBot CluB Open House....

Hi I would like to share about open house at UPSI Robotomation Club...After 4 months semester break..we cannot commenced any club, it is the first club activity for this semester...Actually..for your information...this is second years I join this club...during my involvement in this club ... a lot of knowledge I've learned ...and many robotic competition  I have joined...

that all for today..see again..bye

-eve' route-

Sunday, 18 September 2011

BirThdaY cElebRation

Hi I had promised yesterday,  I will update about my roommate's celebration right?..actually I want to upload pictures regarding our memory today, but there is a problem regarding the bluetooth I can't upload the picture...I hope my roommate, Ainun is happy and always remember memory memory together....

just enough for today, thanks for spending your time  reading my blog...good night..

-eve's  route- 

Saturday, 17 September 2011

CaR ReNtinG...

Hi I would like to share with you all about car renting..hihi..actually my housemate and I plan to celebrate our friend, Ainun at KFC restaurant in Tanjung Malim.We already booked a 'kancil' car for our trip, but at the last minute the owner of this car call me and told that we can't rent this car because the first borrower for today has not return the car yet....So we were disappointed because we can't go out for the birthday celebration...we decided to postpone this celebration tomorrow....

 I hope everything is okay tomorrow...what we had planned can be Ainun (actually my roommate), hope you can be patient..

Just enough for today...tomorrow I will update what happened had during  our celebration...GOOD NIGHT....

-eve's route-

Friday, 16 September 2011



  hey everyone..we meet my story is about MALAYSIA DAY....

actually 16 September is Malaysia Day..every year..Malaysia will celebrate this date as a public holiday
I want to share with you all that I am very proud to become a Malaysian. For me, we should be grateful that our country have people of various races that can live together under one ministry who is brilliant.
So as a citizen, I think we should protect the security and harmonious of our that , I want to tell you all that I'm very in love with Malaysia.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

.....My First Time......

Good evening everyone..!!!!!,today is my first time I will write on my first like funny, ..right??..but what can I do,because it is half of my assignment for English Education the end of this semester, i will improve my English,..and it can make my confident more to speaking in English with start from today, i will write this blog my personal diary...hihi..every moment as a student in this semester at UPSI...I will write on I can memories what  situation happen in this semester...

I think it is enough for today..tomorrow i will write more..and I hope also tomorrow I have many ideas to write in this blog..hihi...

okey..good night ..thank to read my blog

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